Get a Peek into our Embroidery Software Bag of Tricks!

For the past several years, we have been using embroidery software in SEW many ways. As we have tried new things,we have learned quite a few tips and tricks that make it easy to be creative. Now we are ready to share it with the world.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Getting Ready!!!

Hi Kathy and all our Friends,

The cat's out of the bag. 5D is coming soon and I am so excited!

I have the privilege of writing the classes to train your dealers how to use the 5D Software. I've been writing and stitching like crazy! I'm having so much fun and I can't wait for you to have the opportunity to play in the 5D Software too.

I hope by now you have checked out the 5D micro-site that Kathy told you about last week. There's so much information shown there - including the Ideas and Preview pages!

One of my favorite new features is the multicolor gradient! I can't say any more, except it's great!!!!

I've been embroidering a lot of new embroideries I've created lately. I'm having fun testing my creations and can't wait to share some of the finished samples as I complete them.

Well, back to creating and embroidering. Have a great week!


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